If there is a technological revolution underway, look no further than the Healthcare Industry.
With budget cuts and stricter regulation challenging the Healthcare industry today, technological innovation is the way forward for this multi-billion dollar industry.
A revolution in technology has created solid telehealth and e-Health programs with the Point of Care moving away from hospitals and into patients’ homes.
The keywords for the Healthcare industry are: Effectiveness, Technology Transformation and Keeping a Skilled Workforce in a world of changing demographics.
Making full use of TOSHIBA TEC Singapore advanced ODM design capabilities in combination with world-class testing and certification, healthcare organisations feel at home at TOSHIBA TEC Singapore.
TOSHIBA TEC Singapore can design, manufacture and service Point-of-Care PC solutions to Healthcare providers around the world.

If there is a technological revolution underway, look no further than the Healthcare Industry.
With budget cuts and stricter regulation challenging the Healthcare industry today, technological innovation is the way forward for this multi-billion dollar industry.
A revolution in technology has created solid telehealth and e-Health programs with the Point of Care moving away from hospitals and into patients’ homes.
The keywords for the Healthcare industry are: Effectiveness, Technology Transformation and Keeping a Skilled Workforce in a world of changing demographics.
Making full use of TOSHIBA TEC Singapore advanced ODM design capabilities in combination with world-class testing and certification, healthcare organisations feel at home at TOSHIBA TEC Singapore.
TOSHIBA TEC Singapore can design, manufacture and service Point-of-Care PC solutions to Healthcare providers around the world.